If you are already in a relationship, whether married or not, the Eight of Wands means that whatever progress you make, you will be accompanied by your partner. There is a possibility of traveling due to work. You might have trouble saving money, or find that your investments arent growing as quickly as youd like. They view you positively. The answer to your question is most likely yes. Exciting news will arrive to break the calmness of your present. This is a mostly yes card. In the aspect of Health and Spirituality, you need to improve your focus, cooperation, and determination. Remain focusing on keeping a positive attitude and have faith that everything will work out in your highest good. Consider a lifestyle change that also includes spiritual practices to improve your overall wellbeing. Your freedom is directly connected with finding your purpose in life. Take stock of how you feel. When this card enters your tarot reading it suggests a strong sense of confidence and pride achieved through victory and success. The Swords suit of tarot is associated with intelligence, justice and conflicts. Upright. It indicates a sense of chaos and hastiness which is currently blocking things to naturally flow. The Five of Swords reversed is no exception and with it comes the promise of change and new Four Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More). You need to settle this quickly in order to avoid derailing any major issue. It is a positive tarot card that mostly represents progress, opportunities and exciting changes. Sometimes, the E Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Eight of Wands card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, we will start with a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Wands card. Whatever you focus your attention on will proceed very quickly. This card can represent missed opportunities, so its important to act once youve made a decision. When pulled in reverse, the Two of Wands means a clear 'no', at least for now. His silence may just be provoked by the overwhelming feeling of how strong your relationship is, so try to reassure him that you feel the same and allow him to take his own pace within your relationship. 3 of cups + Knight of cups: A proposal. Dont overwhelm yourself with negative energy. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. When its upright, that speed is just right for you neither too fast nor too slow, and things are progressing in a way that feels fresh and exciting. The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; dont resist it. This card can also sometimes represent travel. You have sparked their interest and they have a crush. The mixed negative / affirmative meaning of this pairing makes for an unclear Yes or No interpretation, or a Maybe. Personal and business . If you cant travel physically, read something totally new for you or start to explore new ideas. It is a positive tarot card that mainly represents opportunities, progress and exciting changes ahead. Romance is a little more quickly since the Eight of Wands can represent romantic flings that fizzle out as quickly as they begin. On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Wands may be a sign that you are aligning your resources so you can actively pursue your goal. This is a no card. If you happen to be in a relationship, the Eight of Wands can appear as a form of encouragement to dive into some new fun activities together that will make you feel more excited, vibrant and connected as a couple. It suggests events that will move quickly and opportunities that are set to arrive unpredictably. The negative foreboding presented with this card provides an answer of no. Filled with positive energy, this card represents a busy lifestyle with a meaningful purpose. Misunderstandings may play a strong role now, with the reversed 8 of Wands tarot love meaning. Make sure youre ready to take advantage of this sometimes frantic energy. Take a clear and honest look at where youre currently at and adjust your strategy wherever needed. This is one of the more powerful combinations possible. Its either not moving at all, or going so quickly that its running you ragged. What is it that you are interested in? I dont sugarcoat the truth. The hard work that you have put in will now bloom into exciting results. A powerful energy that focuses and uplifts often comes with this card. The struggle which has been occupying you will pass and a brief peace will follow. If youre investing your effort on your desired outcome, youll receive it. Divinatory Meanings: Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; also the arrows of love. It can mean that a rush of a very powerful love will embrace you. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results. Learn the meaning of the Eight of Wands for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. The Eight of Wands suggest movement and changes. They might be confused about their feelings or find that fear holds them back. The Eight of Wands in numerology is a sign that you're going to move, possibly move house, and likely move country. You cannot do it all on your own. Your ex wants to reconnect with you. You must strike while the iron is hot to get the most from this inspiring time! . You are entering a very energetic and positive path in your journey. You may be angry with your partner or vice versa and are about to blow up on them. Take your time and make a conscious decision to be the right path for your career or business. In matters of the heart, the Eight of Wands speaks of a love that is exciting and developing quickly. You or someone you know well will make a quick recovery from illness or injury. It would be best if you did not allow frustration to get the best of you. There is a temptation to blame yourself or others, but this will not help you get out of the rut youre in. Sign up to get the link! Eight of Wands Tarot Guide. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams. If you are looking for love, a whirl-wind romance is headed your way. There is also a chance that plans or trips will be postponed or canceled. Leo The Eight of Wands can be also interpreted as a caution not to act on your impulses. There may be talk about moving house or planning a trip that brings a renewed energy to your relationship. Stay calm and focused whenever obstacles may cross your path and know the Universe has your back at all times. After the challenges embodied by Seven, Eight marks the beginning of some real forward momentum. This will mean a lack of opportunities or missing chances of developing your career even further. This card indicates a speedy recovery from an illness or injury. The Eight of Wands depicts a group of evenly spaced staffs, apparently in mid air. For career- and business-minded spreads, the Eight of Wands can represent travel. Since the card is about decisive action, they may make a move on you by asking you out or telling you how they feel. Instead of looking at the bigger picture, try to take small steps and take one day at a time. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. See also:Check out alternate Tarot decks here. Other than these powerful staffs, a few mountains and a river are depicted. Seeing this tarot card means a new path might open for you. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Good luck and luck in . However, their placement has little meaning. In an existing relationship, the Eight of Wands can denote that the couple will fall in love again. If your question is about moving or travel, the answer is a definite yes.. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners. Be cautious. This card represents a lack of balance at your job. They want it to mean something but going slowly is not an option in the way they feel. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. This person is enthusiastic about you. Be particularly cautious of expenditures. The Queen of Wands is honest, optimistic, steadfast, independent, and passionate. Remember, however, that the wands in the Eight of Wands appear to be thrown. Instead of pushing forward, you may be better off giving the other person time, or at least making plans. This is the Reversed Eight of Wands. If you have pulled this card in your tarot spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? You are not advancing because you let the opportunity to do so pass. Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Tarot books in the USA here. In a love reading, the Eight of Wands is a very nice card to get. You are sure to have a good time and maybe open up some doors for a future move. Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Enthusiasm and other positive feelings will probably appear, as well. This might apply to relationships, personal projects, business, school or any facet of life. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. A card that represents moving out of place, either by traveling or a change in your life. Although youll probably fall deeply and quickly, make sure to use a bit of caution. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. What should I do with my career? Jacob. Pleasures, balls, parties, invitations. This is a no card. You have sparked their interest and they have a crush. In general, the Eight of Wands reversed isnt a good omen for career or business readings. This doesnt necessarily mean that you are in the wrong path, but it implies that you may have jumped in too soon. It can mean that a rush of a very powerful love will embrace you. Below, we will explore in detail how to interpret the card in a love tarot reading. Although you will recover from whatever youre suffering from, it might be a long wait. It will only make things harder, so let go and be in the flow. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. Gaining momentum, exciting times, and action are the main themes of the Eight of Wands. Welcome it with enthusiasm and allow yourself to jump in with both feet. Now is the time to kick things into high gear and move toward your financial and business goals. Some may look at them as wands that are blossoming that are travelingat a maximum speed. You need to be patient and just wait for it. Whether you have been together with your partner for a while or have just started a new relationship, this card implies that romance is in the air. Instead of instigating, allow the other person some space to come to you, to show you who they truly are. If you know what you are doing, try theFree Card Spiritsoracle. At work, it expresses progress or even a possible business trip. Hastiness is an unattractive quality and could lead you into relationships that dont serve your highest good.Expand your spiritual practice by learning tarot. The Eight of Wands reversed can warn that you are resisting change, trying to stop the flow of energy and movement. I have a feeling this is a good sign in regards to a new job, especially if you are feeling trapped right now in your current work life. This sign, ruled by Jupiter the planet of luck, is known for its optimism and idealism. Reversed 8 of Wands, Yes or No Tarot Card for Business Decision. Upright 8 of Wands, Yes or No Tarot Card for Marriage? Make sure youre able to stay on top of things, because you might get swept away otherwise! If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. Learn the easy way to read Tarot cards intuitively! This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. When it comes to a love reading, pulling this card is a very good sign. The Queen of Wands Tarot Card's True Meaning: Love, Health and Money The Queen of Wands is a symbol of confidence, ambition, and happiness. It also suggests events that will quickly take place and opportunities that will unfold in unforeseen ways. Its important not to be hasty in this regard. A card that represents moving out of place, either by traveling or a change in your life. The Eight of Wands can mean a journey. The speed associated with the eight of wands applies to your money in this position. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. As it generally represents fast movement and a strong sense of progress, it can often deliver quite a fascinating message. NOTE: While there is a general consensus on Yes or No tarot meanings, the truth . But remember that humans are complex creatures with many dreams and numerous plans, so exactly what will materialize is not always clear. All Rights Reserved. Every tarot card is rich in interpretation and with 78 tarot cards in traditional decks, it can feel overwhelming to learn all their individual meanings and the messages that are trying to come through. The Eight of Wands represents a journey that is full of unpredictable opportunities and obstacles. In answer to a yes or no question, this card is a yes. Reversed 8 of Wands, is it a Yes or No Tarot Card? You may have a pattern of falling into infatuation with people and mistaking it for love. It it signals golden opportunities, good luck and meaningful progress. They may rekindle the flame they once had for one another and could do so by also traveling together. It suggests events that will move quickly and opportunities that are set to arrive unpredictably. Are you sick? Even though your current situation may not give such clues, the Eight of Wands appears as a clear sign that anything is possible at all times. The Eight of Wands represents speed. One way to be sure is to pull more cards and see what energy the Eight of Wands puts out in connection with the others. Keep your eyes open and your heart available for an epic love story. Either you are not moving fast enough in your job or you have moved too quickly in the past. Tarot Card Meaning. Manage Settings All Rights Reserved |, Eight of Wands Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings, movement, speed, progress, quick decisions, sudden changes, excitement, waiting, slowness, chaos, delays, losing momentum, hastiness, being unprepared, romantic life picking up pace, excitement, surprises in love, quick progress at work, travelling for work, motivation, impact, quick movement of money, cash coming in and going out, misunderstandings, delays in love, hectic pace, confusion, career stagnation, lost chances, overwhelmed by job, slow flow of money, lack of patience for financial growth. When it comes to love, the Eight of Wands means yes. People with this sign seem to be effortlessly magnetic and they easily attract what they wish for. The Eight of Wands is an interesting image. There is no waiting around while the Eight of Wands is present, so determine where your energy should go and get on with it! With regards to love and relationships, the Eight of Wands means yes. The answer to your question is most likely yes. This will only fuel the negative experiences and make them worselike a snowball effect. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. The drawing on the face of this eight is a simple one that suggests many things are up in the air. It can signify canceled travel, and delays, trouble with paperwork, and a forgotten passport. This is a positive sensation for you right now. Also, dont delay positive changes. The Eight of Wands in tarot card reading speaks of acceleration. Dont berate yourself for having made these mistakes, but rather reflect on them and consider the consequences of haste and impatience. In this article well take an in-depth look into the yes or no meaning of the Eight of Wands in both the upright and reversed position. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. If youre currently in an existing relationship, surprises can be in store, giving the two of you some excitement in your relationship. Develop a plan. Trusted Tarot is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 66,587 reviews. On its own, . You have the ability to succeed in your career, but you might have to find the right balance when it comes to the pace of your workload. However, it is not always easy to differentiate your own instincts from the influences of others, so deep introspection is called for. If youre asking your tarot cards what to do in a certain situation and the Eight of Wands shows up in reverse, it is best advised to not make any impactful decisions right now. You may have been struck by cupids arrow you get butterflies when you see a certain person. YES or NO Tarot Reading - Eight of Wands. Rather than imply that this relationship should be one thing or the other, the 8 of Wands only suggests that the potential is there for events to progress quickly. Its time to put your running shoes on and prepare yourself for the increase in pace! This new love might feel very right, but remember to be on guard against excessive impulsivity. If youre attached, life may be hectic at this moment, making it easier for communication to get lost or confused between you and your partner. Life is moving fast for you and you seem to be coping very well with the speed. If you are single, you might find it difficult to meet the right person. It indicates your hard work will soon pay off and will definitely not go unnoticed with others. The answer to your question is probably yes. The rush of feelings that accompanies the Eight of Wands card also suggests that you are charging up your confidence to take action. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Eight of Wands. Just like in your love aspect, we advise you to be patient. The Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as if they are suspended in the air. Not taking it suggests there will be more work in the long run. While overcoming obstacles, it shows and end to some sort of delay or blockage in your life. Eight of Wands in the Egyptian (Grand Etteilla) tarot, Eight of Wands meaning for a Relationship, Eight of Wands Classic interpretation by A.E.Waite, Eight of Wands meaning for your Job & Career. However, if he appears reversed, you should make sure that what you are wanting isn't going to affect others negatively and proceed with caution. This person doesnt know what they want. Thats all for the Eight of Wands Tarot card meaning! They feel instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results the air moving or travel and... And you seem to be patient note: while there is a positive sensation for you right.... 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