Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with our wonderful USA. May we put God first above everything spending time in his presence! Thank you, Jamie, for such a pensive and gifted prayer! Glory to His name on the highest!! You are our Mother and Father. May peace replace violence. Father God You Are Faithful! May we continue to pray and declare these words over our nation for many months to come, not just today! Simply beautiful and unassumingly powerful. More than 300 million people have been infected, and the death toll is over 5.4 million people.News of new variants continues, and the disease has impacted about 192 countries, prompting World Vision to launch our global COVID-19 response in March 2020.. As Christians, we turn to God in times of fear . Thank you for leading us in that powerful prayer. Well there are many things to consider such as your condition or illness. I ask for your perfect will to be done in my life. This is a spiritualist practice that has been handed down by generations of priests and priestesses who have dedicated themselves to serving mankind through their prayers and divine powers. Thank you for your prayer. Not only did I pray this prayer tonight but will continue to pray it throughout 2022 for our great nation. Mary Queen of Scots once said I fear the prayers of John Knox, more than the armies of France, (Rev. Believing God for revival and restoration for America! They may occasionally contact you to see check on your prayer needs. We will see the evil ones and their deeds as very weak in the eyes of God and we will march to victory all over our glorious nation. Amen! We are children of the almighty God. Amen. We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! Thank you, AFA, for this platform for all who are serious prayer supporters of our nation as children of God. I pray to You my Father above, that You influence all decisions I, my family, and my friends make today. May we be witnessing and speak truth to everyone we encounter concerning the things of God! Let positivity follow us oh Lord. God, thank you that you didnt just show up, but showed out (preacher terms it) answering prayers for my life. and shout WE LOVE YOU ABBA, Yes, l prayed and I believe that He can do more than we are asking for! Headlines are fickle and the winds of change blow every day this way and that, never settling on any particular path. I have prayed this prayer and will continue to keep our nation before You. Ifaiyable Our agreement together as one body of believers will destroy the work of the enemy on those who are doing evil in our country. Take not Your Holy Spirit from us, & restore the Joy of our Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus-for Your Glory, Your Perfect will. Let us be guided by Your Holy Spirit and not be hesitant to obey. Roe v Wade will be overturned! And puts Jesus in the front, Dear Heavenly Father, As the mountains all around Jerusalem, The LORD YHVH Yeshua is all around HIS people. Hallelujah. Hes definitely still working! Please help us in Jesus name. After several years of painful controversy, Patrisse Cullors is focusing on her art. I believe God is still in control! Beautiful prayer. That leaves me out of it. Thank you for ringing in 2022, a New Year once again. Bring to my attention what needs cleaning up in my life to dwell closer to you. I will share it with my friends and family so they can join us in praying for the USA. Print these prayers and keep them with you at home, in the car, or at work to remind yourself to take your cares to the. "In the prayer I will cover many areas of un-love and negativity, including marriage relationships, hurt children, sexual sins, mental and physical illness, depression, fear, compulsiveness and. You are my Lord, my Saviour, My healer and my friend. If you are looking for more prayers then we highly recommend that you buy this book. God I pray in the name of your Son Jesus my Lord and Savior, that you would hear our prayers and protect our freedom to worship You. Charles Eastup God cant bless sin he not only cant he wont until this nation stops killing the unborn and turns from its wicked ways God will never heal our land, Thank you for this wonderful prayer! Yes, prayed the prayer for our nation. As we engage our sisters and brothers: May understanding replace ignorance. AMEN. When we pray for healing, it is one way we pray, "Your kingdom come" ( Matthew 6:10 ). I prayed the prayer believing in the power of agreement! We all need God to move in our Nations and I certainly believe He will. Worthy of all worship, Your email address will not be published. Our prayers were heard and they were graciously answered. Your email address will not be published. But, if not, it will be as foretold in Revelation and we will, in the end be His victorious overcomers! Amen. I was the same soi pray they all grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Be patient as we wait for HIS HAND TO MOVE upon all of us. Heaven comes to earth. My times are in your hands." Your friend might need to hear that they can put their trust in God throughout their illness. We say in Jesus name it is so as spoken. Lord, you will never leave or forsake us and are with us in every situation. I believe, if it be His will, He can do it again. Cullors joined with family members and local activists in calls for vengeance. Reply Report comment. Protect the unborn children from abortion. We pray that You would give us, Your servants, boldness to preach and speak as we ought to speak. Jesus, thank You for being the Light that shines in the darkness. For You Are God & You are Good & Your Mercies endure Forever. I have subscribed to Ifapray for quite a few years and appreciate your thoughts, prayers and hope for our nation. I believe God will hear because we are asking according to His will. Im in agreement with this prayer but it grieves me deeply that there is no stand taken about our border being violated every day. In the Name of Jesus Amen. The Lord is supreme. In this season of transition from the old to the new, after celebrating our LORD Jesus Christs First Advent (though He was born in September, Rosh HaShanah 3 B.C. Please do what only You can do. Thank-you for your Divine Providence in all things. Let freedom ring! 2 Peter 1:3 God bless. I felt God impressed me to give Godly gifts to all 8 apartments in my buidling starting with the children. He is King of Kings and we ask you Lord to heal our land ! Help me to trust in your love and care for me. Help IFA provide prayer resources to more intercessors. Yes, we agree, and decree that in 2022 in sincere repentance we will shift from singing God Bless America to declaring, and living a life that says, America Bless God! We will see His glory! A Powerful prayer covering all the main points that we should be praying daily for our nation and those in leadership roles.. Yes and AMEN to all of the prayer and may multiple voices cry out until the prayer bowl overflows in heaven. Keeping the faith and holding the line in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We know we havent done our best in the past year, but we could surely use Your help in our situation. Let's take a look at this prayer. I am trusting God to draw the unsaved to His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus and to turn hearts of stone to flesh by His grace and mercy through His Son Jesus . Thank you for creating both darkness and light which are both alike to you. Thank you and God for your works today amen, Praise you Jesus, I agree in your name with this beautiful and wonderful prayer, in Jesus Mighty Name , Yes I prayed this prayer for America . God, we declare praise to YOU!!! Heavenly Father, forgive us of our sins, especially our allowing our nation to get to this point because we as your people did not recognize or act to prevent the growth of such evil and wickedness around us. Heavenly Father, as so many things seem Out of Controlmy FAITH is still Strong. Thank you God for all your blessings. God is in control of our great country. restore us and heal us. We are so grateful for the revival that is happening in many states in the USA and for those and through those who have anawered the call to preach and go share your gospel ! Not in ourselves but in our Almighty Father. Great things He has done and will do! Recently, the Lord gave me Jeremiah 29:7 seek the Lord for the welfare of the city where I have sent youand pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare, you will have welfare. Since that time I have not forgotten to pray for the churches and salvation in my area. 2.3 Short prayer for healing. Im resolved to look up in the darkness of our country. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. They can be addressed to Orunmila, Eleda, Orunla and Olodumare. Like the sadness in this nation, that pain was made less by the knowledge that Jesus and our Almighty Father never abandon those that seek him. Her prayer is my prayer for Jesus Christ to bring healing to our Land. That means He is tender and approachable. You are truly our everything!! Father in the name of Jesus Christ I thank You that You love us so much no matter how things look around us You are there to give us hope, love, guidance, protection, strength, compassion, mercy, and power to do something about it. The power of mighty God is greater than we can imagine and we will see great things, just as we did in 1776. Give us wisdom and help us to encourage others as 1 Thessalonians 5:15 admonishes us to. Libations A Prayer For God's Healing Power Father, healing is something You clearly desire we have. God is looking for his children to stand before him on behalf of the land in which they live. By connecting with Babalu Aye's energy, you can tap into his healing power and discipline, helping you to maintain good health and well-being. In Heaven it is an opportunity to discover something. As the year has been full of unexpected issues, actions, decisions, and outcomes, when I keep my eyes on Him, I discover new and fresh perspectives and avenues that I didnt see before. We confess our sins of idolatry have led us to more and more despair. No weapon formed against America will prosper as long as we stand firm on the Word of God and use Gods Word to change our nation. I believe these words will not return void but will accomplish what is said, Gods will be done. To Orunmila for healing from these problems. Our only hope for revival! He knows our stance, our surroundings, our deepest heart affairs and will meet us right there in them when we come and allow Him to work His desires, His plan, His timing into our situations, into our lives. Amen Al !! Amen. There is no power greater than God and the light, however dim it might be, is in every heart. I pray that for long life, good physical, spiritual and mental health I pray for a cool head and coolness in the world I pray for fortitude I pray for resiliency I pray for clarity I pray for courage I pray for a self-love I pray for. Shango, Aquarius, and Uranus. I confess I could not pray for the kings and have felt hopeless. in answer to prayers of his people. Beautiful prayer that I prayed and shared on social media. Cullors is currently involved in several projects . We know you care because you are our Heavenly Father. Sanctify this space from evil and cast your protecting light upon us. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that comes against us shall not prevail,(we shall condemn) for this is the heritage of the servants of The LORD (YHVH) and their righteousness is of HIM (YHVH_Yeshua)Praying for the UNITY of The FAITH, and having done all to stand, we STAND that the gates of hell will/shall not prevail against us who know who Messiah Yeshua is as He reveals Himself to His body, that the Bride of Yeshua has made herself ready and we are wise virgins with our lamps full of oil! Apart from You we can do nothing! Yes, Father God, as a Nation may we all Abide Under Your Cross daily in Jesus mighty name. I want to begin by saying that ifa prayer for healing is a way to connect with God. We need to be reminded that you work on behalf of those you love, constantly, powerfully, completely. Remember for all things work together for Good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. First, pray for God's will to be done. Help us to prepare daily through prayer and Thanksgiving for all that you are and have done for us. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Amen, Hebrews 12:1 -2 Father help us to be Warriors of the Cross, strong in you, guided by Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for this prayer. God is Great! I pray that parents have rights to demand schools teach basics of reading and math and not Marxists teaching. Do you have a pattern of healthy choices and attention to fitness? Look at Daniel in chapter nine and ten. Israel had gone into captivity, being judged for their sins. My thoughts & your prayer are in agreement. Its important that we declare His word and promises so they can manifest. I will bring both the border situation & the respect of our law enforcement before our Mighty God now in prayer & during our churchs fast & prayer time this coming Sunday . We repent as a sinful nation ! I have prayed. In the name of Jesus, I bind the spirit of cancer, all cancer cells and all cancerous tumors. Likewise, show who You are (loving, powerful and truthful) in lives of Christians and let their light overflow to non-Christians so that these wrong actions are decreased dramatically. Many ideas were considered; in their wisdom they determined that God and His Holy Word had the answers to every question about how to build a strong, fair and lasting foundation for the new nation of America. And if we continue to trust God with those trials He will use them in mighty ways that ultimately bless us and glorify Him! It is so easy to get our eyes on our circumstances or desires. Remember, we come into agreement with truth or lies and this is truth. Evil must leave and righteousness must prevail. Heal and restore our economy. We trust your hand to effect th outcome of th supreme courts ruling regarding abortion. Justice will prevail! Rasie me above all misfortune in my lifetime. 1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. God has definitely led me to do this, because Im so overloaded with life. this was a very encouraging and faith building prayer. Let us remember it is not how much we can do but how much You can accomplish through us when we allow it. Does Elevation Church Believe in Speaking in Tongues? We need You to give life to our nation again. Empower your people to do their part. It is a comfort and blessing to know thousands if not hundreds of thousands will be repeating it today and as we move through 2022. May we all be blessed in this New Year. Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, You are high and lifted up, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. Praying n believing 2022 will be a turn around year for USA I dwell within your gentle embrace. May He return the prodigals and unite families, establish His church, and guard this nation. call o HIS WONDERFUL NAME.. Father, we thank you that your word endures forever. I make this DECLARATION at this very minute: 6:11 A.M. on January 1, 2022, in the Precious and Holy name of JESUS CHRIST, the Only Begotten SON of the LIVING GOD. I am trusting our mighty God to do a great work in this nation . May our nation return to Lord. Thank you for this prayer, it outs so many of my thoughts and concerns, beautifully. As a growing spiritual tradition, many are finding healing, empowerment, and elevation through these practices. Ni jo ti ma lana lati ode. We stand in agreement with . When it comes to Ifa prayer books I think it is safe to say that nothing has been written like this one before. Thank you for moving in ways we do not know for your Word says your ways are above our ways and your thoughts are higher than ours . I have weak and strong moments but know God will guide and protect. Prayer to the Alpha and Omega. In Jesus name we pray, amen. Lord I love you, please help me to walk in your Spirit and your truth so that I can be apart of your redemption plan in Jesus mighty and holy name. Ifa is a religion based on ancient African spirituality and beliefs. May His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as is in Heaven. God take all evil away from the people of America. I meet with a group of ladies on Monday nights for prayer and would like to use your prayers as a template for us! Agreement is powerful. Praying for His kingdom to be ON earth as it is in heaven! Your Word does not return void but accomplishes what it was sent to do! This prayer is so encouraging and timely. Thank you for expressing the heartbeat of God here. May this move be known by no one name, denomination, or people group. The author has taken an age-old tradition and made it accessible and helpful for everyone who needs healing from the spiritual world. Thank you Jesus for a new day! Seeds planted are maturing and ready for harvest in 2022. Fill me that I may feel you and your overflowing love and peace that surpasses all understanding. AWAKENING IS HERE!!! There is power in prayer. I believe our Father is sending forth His angelic hosts to respond to every request we made. You need to pray with Ifa. He is associated with the sign of Taurus, which is known for its stability, sensuality, and material wealth. May empathy replace fear. Thank you for giving words to my hearts cry for our nation. Thank you, IFA: May the works of God be displayed in me. Such an uplifting prayer,I will pray it daily. Not only did I pray this prayer tonight but will continue to pray it throughout 2022 for our great nation. I pray for our nation every day. For your Forgiveness and by the blood of Jesus our Salvation! Im grateful, IFA for posting a prayer for the nationin fact the PEOPLE of our nation and even closer to home, those in my community. Thank you for your encouragement. I decree, America shall be saved! Father God, we come to You and choose to lay our disappointments down, our desires we place at your feet. I commit myself to prayer and pray you'll help me abide. We acknowledge today that the kings and people who are in authority may or may not be two different groups of people, Lord; but we pray that You would shower them all with Your goodness, which brings men to repentance. Melissa Masters. We agree in prayer in the mighty Name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord, by the power of His precious Blood shed for our salvation. Thank you for the prayer of agreement with His will. Believing for all that we prayed by supernatural faith! Amen. Here are 5 simple yet powerful prayers about healing that you can pray right now in order to speak light into the darkness. The most patriotic thing that any true patriot and Christian can do for America is to lead someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I believe IFA is a wonderful ministryand I am believing that it will hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches in our day. We have dedicated priests around the world that will perform prayer for you. Show out again answering prayer to replace these wrong thoughts and actions with right. That will be my prayer for this year: a fresh, powerful outpouring of His Spirit on us as disciples and interceptors. Remembering the words of JESUS , with liberty and justice for all who are serious prayer supporters of our nation but accomplishes it... Nation again have felt hopeless, our desires we place at your feet and cast your protecting light us! 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